Medicinal powerhouse used by everyone from Ancient Egyptians to Europeans to Native Americans. The immune booster plant contains properties such as anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory traits. It's vitamin A, C, and E help to decrease the signs of aging and fight environmental damage from things like UV rays and pollution.
Olive leaf extract contains therapeutic properties including anti-inflammatory, slowing the appearance of aging, nourish skin by calming irritation and reduce signs of redness. Its anti-bacterial properties make it powerful combined with the other ingredients to protect the skin against environmental stressors. Beneficial for dry and sensitive skin.
The 'miracle' natural wonderplant that is rich in nutrients and has cooling properties that help sooth and hydrate distressed skin. It encourages radiant skin and revitalizes skin for a healthier complexion. Most suitable for dry and after-sun skin.
Made with organic and raw leaves, green tea extract eliminates dead skin, bacteria, and other pollutants on the skin’s surface. Decrease puffiness, soothes swelling. Reduces the appearance of dark circles and redness. Also further supports by stimulating circulation and calmness of skin and mind.